





Radiographic Testing

Radiographic Radiation Safety




Radiation Safety - Course Outline

Total hours of instruction for this course: 40 hours

  1. Fundamental Properties of Matter
    1. Properties of Matter
      1. Atoms
      2. Elements
      3. Compounds & Molecules
      4. Structure of an Atom
      5. Atomic Number
      6. Periodic Table
      7. Atomic Weight
    2. Types of Radiation
      1. Isotopes
      2. Activation
      3. Curie
      4. Becquerel
      5. Radioactivity
      6. Radium
      7. Radioactive Material
      8. Particulate Radiation
      9. Alpha Particles
      10. Kev – Mev
      11. Beta Particles
      12. Gamma Radiation
      13. X-Rays
      14. Wavelength
      15. Ionization
      16. Pair Production
      17. Compton Effect
      18. Photoelectric Absorption
    3. Practice Quiz
  2. Biological Effects of Radiation
    1. Natural Background Radiation
    2. Ionization
    3. Roentgen
    4. Radiation Absorbed Dose
    5. Roentgen Equivalent Man
    6. Radioactive Material
    7. Exposure
    8. Contamination
    9. Exposure Limits
    10. Tissue and Cell Sensitivity
      1. General Public
      2. Radiographers
    11. Damage and Repair
    12. Somatic Effects
    13. Latent Effects
    14. Genetic Effects
    15. Practice Quiz
  3. Specific Activity – Half Life Shielding
    1. Radioactive Material
      1. Curie
      2. Roentgen
      3. Activity
      4. Specific Activity
      5. Half Life
      6. Shielding
      7. Half Value Layer
      8. Tenth Value Layer
    2. Practice Quiz
  4. Radiation Detection Devices
    1. Survey Meters
      1. Survey Meter
        1. Calibration
        2. Battery Check
        3. Water Contamination
        4. Settings
      2. Dose vs Dose Rate
    2. Dosimeters
      1. Pocket Dosimeter
      2. Off-Scale
      3. Charger
    3. Film Badges
      1. Film Badge
      2. Thermoluminescent Badge
    4. Radiation Warning Devices
      1. Alarm Ratemeter
      2. Scintillation Chamber
      3. Ionization Chamber
      4. Calibration
      5. Radiation Warning Devices
      6. Warning Lights
      7. Interlocks
      8. Audible & Visual Alarm
      9. Portable Alarms
    5. Practice Quiz
  5. Dose = Dose Rate x Time
    1. Time, Distance, & Shielding
    2. Practice Problems
    3. Practice Quiz
  6. Inverse Square Law
    1. Inverse Square Law
    2. Square Law
    3. Practice Problems
    4. Practice Quiz
  7. X-ray Machines
    1. X-ray Production
      1. X-ray Machines - Stationary
      2. X-ray Production – Portable
      3. X-ray Tube
      4. Cathode
      5. Focusing Cup
      6. Anode
      7. Target – Focal Point
      8. X-rays
        1. Continuous X-rays
    2. X-ray Sources 500 keV and Less
      1. Kilo voltage
      2. Transformer
        1. Autotransformer
      3. Rectifier
        1. Self Rectification
        2. Rectifiers – Self Rectification
        3. Half Wave Rectified
        4. Full Wave Rectified
      4. Cooling
      5. X-ray Control Circuits
      6. Kilovoltage Setting
      7. Milliamperage Setting
      8. Timer
      9. Power
      10. X-ray Indicator Lamp
      11. Duty Cycle
      12. Inherent Filtration
      13. X-ray Machines
      14. X-ray Tube Pressure
      15. Exit Point
      16. Centering Devices
    3. X-ray Sources – Medium & High Energy
      1. Van de Graf Accelerator
      2. Linear Accelerator
      3. Betatron
    4. Practice Quiz
  8. Radiographic Cameras
    1. Iridium & Cobalt Cameras
      1. Iridium 192
      2. Beam Type
      3. Projector
      4. S-tube
      5. Control Unit
      6. Drive Cable
      7. Source Guide Tube
      8. Collimator
      9. Iridium Camera Connections
      10. Cobalt 60 Camera
      11. Cobalt Camera
    2. Daily Inspection & Maintenance
      1. Daily Inspection & Maintenance
      2. Labeling
    3. Leak Testing
      1. Leak Testing
      2. Leak Testing Procedure
    4. Practice Quiz
  9. Records – Boundaries – ALARA
    1. Radiation Survey Reports
      1. Requirements for Completion
      2. Records
        1. General Provisions
        2. Radiation Protection Program
        3. Surveys
        4. Prior Occupational Dose
        5. Individual Monitoring Results
        6. Privacy Protection
        7. Theft or Loss of Source
        8. Notification
          1. Notification of Incidents
        9. X-ray Requirements
    2. Boundaries – Surveys
      1. Posting Areas
        1. Radiation Area
        2. Restricted Areas
        3. High Radiation Area
        4. Airborne Radioactivity Area
        5. Storage Room
      2. Survey Techniques
      3. Time – Distance – Shielding
        1. Time
        2. Distance
        3. Shielding
      4. Radiation Exposure Limits for Gamma Rays
    3. Permanent Facilities
      1. Permanent Radiographic Installation
      2. High Radiation Area
    4. ALARA
      1. As Low As Reasonably Achievable
    5. Practice Quiz
  10. State & Federal Regulations, Personnel Monitoring, X-ray Requirements
    1. Requirements
      1. NRC Requirements
      2. Radiation Safety Officer
      3. Operating Procedure
      4. Emergency Procedures
      5. Crank-out/Pipeline Camera Procedures
      6. Transportation
      7. Agreement States
      8. Reciprocity
    2. Personnel Qualifications
      1. Training
      2. Refresher Training
      3. In Field
      4. Permanent Facility
      5. Offshore/Underwater
      6. Radiographers Assistant
    3. Personnel Monitoring
      1. Personnel Monitoring
      2. Pocket Dosimeters
      3. Film Badge – TLD
      4. Pocket Dosimeter Calibration
      5. Pocket Dosimeter Off-Scale
      6. Film Badge – Lost or Stolen
      7. Alarm Ratemeter
    4. X-ray Requirements
      1. Less than 1 Mev
        1. Industrial Systems Less than 1 Mev
      2. Records
      3. Personnel Monitoring Requirements
      4. Controls
      5. Surveillance
      6. More than 1 Mev
    5. Practice Quiz
  11. Receiving, Storage, & Shipment of Sources
    1. Requirements
    2. Receiving Radioactive Material
    3. Vehicle Storage
    4. Vault Storage
    5. Shipping Packages
      1. Strong Tight Container
      2. Type A Container
      3. Type B Container
    6. Carriers
      1. Common – Contract
      2. Private
    7. Source Changer
    8. Labeling
    9. Placarding
    10. Practice Quiz
  12. Emergency Procedures
    1. Requirements
    2. Emergency Procedures
    3. Loss or Theft of Sealed Source
    4. Missing Sealed Source
    5. Accident of Vehicle Transporting Sealed Source
    6. Damage to Storage Area
      1. No Radiation Hazard Exists
      2. When a Radiation Hazard Exists
    7. Damage or Malfunction of Source or Support Equipment
    8. Fire, Explosion, Personnel Injury
    9. Source Retrieval
    10. Notification Requirements
    11. Practice Quiz
  13. Incidents & Enforcement
    1. History
    2. Accidents
      1. Cause
    3. Repetition
    4. Training
    5. Incidents
    6. Discrimination
      1. Incidents
    7. Practice Quiz
  14. Practice Calculations
  15. Utilization & Dosimeter Inspection Log
    1. Device Make/Model
    2. Source Model/Serial Number
    3. Shipping Container Measurements
    4. Survey Meter Measurements
    5. Radiographer and Dosimeter Measurements
    6. Inspection of Exposure Device
    7. Inspection of Crank Assembly
    8. Inspection of Source Tubes
    9. Inspection of Cable and Source Connections
    10. Physical Survey of the Radiation Area
    11. Hazardous Material Transportation
    12. Documentation
    13. Special Form
    14. Location and Transport Index
    15. Excessive Exposure Explanation
  16. Understanding Shipping Labels & Placards for Radioactive Materials
    1. Nomenclature
      1. Vehicles
      2. Packages
      3. Labels
      4. Placards
      5. Markings
      6. Radioactive Material
    2. Shipping Radioactive Materials – Regulations
    3. Types of Packages
      1. Type A Package
      2. Type B Package
      3. Radioactive Package
    4. Package Markings
    5. Labels
      1. White-I
      2. Yellow-II
      3. Yellow-III
      4. Fissile
      5. Empty
      6. Transport Index
    6. Placards
      1. Importance
      2. Examples
    7. Limits
      1. Non-Exclusive Vehicles
      2. Exclusive-Use Vehicles
  17. Operating Procedures
    1. Sentinel 880 Daily Inspection
      1. Sentinel 880
      2. Daily Inspection
    2. Sentinel 880 Quarterly Inspection
      1. Quarterly Maintenance
    3. Sentinel 880 Annual Inspection
      1. Annual Maintenance
    4. Sentinel 880 Operating Procedures
      1. Operating Procedures